Sunday 9 June 2013

She's indecisive... she can't decide

As Summer is FINALLY here in jolly old England, I feel it is time for  matching shellac  nails. The only problem  is, Sean Kingston was right, she really cannot decide! I am currently stuck for choice! So many beautiful colours.  I have managed to get it down to two of my favourites. I LOVE the ombre effect in the top picture, but i also think the pattern in the bottom picture is so sweet and summery ! I think I may have to use my imagination here and come up with my own collaboration of the two !

For those who appreciate the finer things....

HOLY CRAP! TOWIE's Dan Osborne is a serious hottie ! I think I have just fallen in love. This is like Leonardo Di Caprio all over again. I thought The Only Way Is Essex was just full of men with fake tans and fake biceps, but then this beauty came along. If male species of this calibre is a common occurance in Southern England, I think it could be time for a move........
Girl Perv  Daisy Wanderlust xx

Queen B Teatox

At the moment there is a huggeeee hype about 'teatox' which ,put simply, is a detox using herbal teas with various organic, natural plant extract ingredients which supposedly enable you to drink your way into a bikini.
A glorified laxative or a genuine product ? I cannot figure out whether these teatox's are a good idea or not, i mean how can a tea effectively give you this so-called amazing bod? It's just a tea. Are the products in it safe for our bodies? Can it actually have reverse effects due to its laxative-like ingredients? Well in any case, it's 2 weeks until my holiday and along with the rest of the female world (minus about 10% of the beach perfect minority) i'm as desperate as ever to look good in my bikini (desperate times call for desperate measures right?) .So, in a state of panic and disarray before the dreaded D-day (or B-day in my case), I have gone and bought myself a 14-day teatox from the Australian company 'Queen B'. As i sit typing this, I am currently sipping on my first and i must say, rather uniquely tasting tea. The taste is a little bitter and slightly stronger than green tea but not as unpleasant as i expected. For the next 14 days I am going to test whether or not this teatox hype really is just that. Who knows, for the first summer ever I may actually be beach ready... either that or just fed up of sitting on the toilet. Here's to optimism !

DaisyWanderlust xx